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credit card billing authorization form

(please print this form, fill it out and fax it to TPA at 818-610-7422)

billing information

name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
 (as it appears on the credit card)

address: __________________________________________________________________________________
 (where the statement for this card is delivered)

city: ______________________________________ state: __________________ zip code: _______________

credit card:      ___      ___      ___     ___ discover
(please check one)

credit card number: ___ ___ ___ ___  -  ___ ___ ___ ___  -  ___ ___ ___ ___  -  ___ ___ ___ ___

expiration date: ___ ___  / ___ ___     last three digits in the signature strip on back: ___ ___ ___

front four digits on American Express Cards ___ ___ ___ ___


cardholder signature: _________________________________________________ date: ________________